Using Digger a CI/CD tool for terraform/Opentofu

4 min readNov 28, 2024


Digger is an open-source CI/CD orchestrator for Terraform/Opentofu

The way digger works is by running terraform in the Github action.In their website they mentioned about adding support for other CI tools like Gitlab CI, Azure devops etc..

You may think why do i need this tool when I have other terraform setup already available in Github action which can still run terraform plan and apply. I had the same question in my mind as well.

The way its designed is to kick start the CI job when a PR is raised to see the changes requested will actually work before merging.

It runs terraform plan when a new PR is raised and output the plan as a PR comment.

If you are satisfied with the plan as a reviewer you can comment digger apply in the PR and it will start the terraform apply job.

Lets see how to configure digger to run terraform/opentofu for Oracle Cloud

In your private Github repo create a file named digger.yml .This file contains Digger configuration and needs to be placed at the root level of your repository.

- name: production
dir: prod
- name: dev
dir: dev
opentofu: true

I have created two projects named production and dev with the terraform files placed under prod and dev directory respectively in Github repository.

If you want to run opentofu instead of terraform you have to set opentofu:true in the project configuration like I have set it for dev project above.

After that create Github action workflow file for digger with the name digger_workflow.yml .

name: Digger Workflow
required: true
required: false

run-name: '${{inputs.run_name}}'

runs-on: ubuntu-latest
contents: write # required to merge PRs
actions: write # required for plan persistence
pull-requests: write # required to post PR comments
issues: read # required to check if PR number is an issue or not
statuses: write # required to validate combined PR status

- uses: actions/checkout@v4
- name: ${{ fromJSON(github.event.inputs.spec).job_id }}
run: echo "job id ${{ fromJSON(github.event.inputs.spec).job_id }}"
- uses: diggerhq/digger@vLatest
digger-spec: ${{ inputs.spec }}
setup-opentofu: true
setup-checkov: true
TF_VAR_tenancy_ocid: ${{ secrets.TENANCY_ID }}
TF_VAR_user_ocid: ${{ secrets.USER_ID }}
TF_VAR_fingerprint: ${{ secrets.FINGERPRINT }}
TF_VAR_compartment_id: ${{ secrets.COMPARTMENT_ID }}
TF_VAR_region: eu-frankfurt-1
TF_VAR_private_key: ${{ secrets.PRIVATE_KEY }}
GITHUB_CONTEXT: ${{ toJson(github) }}

Create Github secrets for the OCI terraform provider variables and other sensitive variables used.

This is an example terraform file created for the dev and prod project

provider "oci" {
fingerprint = var.fingerprint
private_key = var.private_key
region = "eu-frankfurt-1"
tenancy_ocid = var.tenancy_ocid
user_ocid = var.user_ocid

terraform {
required_providers {
oci = {
version = ">= 6.15.0"
source = "oracle/oci"

variable "fingerprint" {}
variable "private_key" {}
variable "tenancy_ocid" {}
variable "user_ocid" {}
variable "compartment_id" {}

data "oci_objectstorage_namespace" "object_namespace" {}

resource "oci_objectstorage_bucket" "test_bucket" {
compartment_id = var.compartment_id
name = "devbucket"
namespace = data.oci_objectstorage_namespace.object_namespace.namespace

After successful plan if we comment digger apply terraform apply /tofu apply will run .

We can merge the pull request from the dev branch to main branch.I have two project created dev and production one pointed to development compartment and other one pointed to production compartment in OCI.Once the dev project is tested i can make the same changes in prod project and raise a PR to initiate/trigger the CI job.

The reason for this in some cases terraform plan will work but apply might fail due to some reasons. I want to test the apply in dev environment and then proceed to production. I can destroy the resources in dev environment afterwards if needed.

To auto merge once the apply is successful you can set the below settings in digger.yml

- name: development
dir: dev
- name: production
dir: prod
auto_merge: true

You can specify the terraform /opentofu version in digger_workflow.yml

setup-opentofu: true

opentofu-version: v1.6.1

You can look at this doc to see all the option available to configure in digger.yml

If you notice in the digger_workflow.yml i have enabled checkov as well using setup-checkov: true

Lets create a custom workflow configuration to run checkov in digger.yml. This will run checkov against the terraform code to create OCI object storage.

- name: production
dir: prod
workflow: production_checkov
- name: dev
dir: dev
opentofu: true
auto_merge: true
telemetry: false
- init
- plan
- run: checkov -d . --framework terraform
on_pull_request_pushed: [digger plan]

The above plan will fail since some of the checkov check did not pass for OCI object storage .



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